England Premier League
West Ham United
2 : 2
Ended 27 Apr 2024, 11:30
43' Bowen J.
77' Antonio M.
Robertson A. 48'
Areola A. 65'

Prediction for West Ham United - Liverpool 27 April 2024

Prediction and analysis for the match between West Ham United and Liverpool. This encounter is scheduled for 27 April 2024, with the kickoff at 14:30. Looking at the teams' recent performances and the statistics from their head-to-head meetings, we invite you to explore the detailed match forecast.

Head-to-Head West Ham United - Liverpool

In total, West Ham United and Liverpool have faced each other 36 times. Of these, the hosts won 7, while the away team triumphed 24 times. The most recent encounter, which took place on 20 December 2023, concluded with a score of 5:1. Based on this data, some conclusions can already be drawn, but the final betting predictions will be made only after a more detailed analysis of the match.

Statistical Preview of West Ham United and Liverpool

West Ham United

Looking at the last ten matches, the home team, West Ham United, has 2 victories, suffered 4 defeats, and recorded 4 draws. After these ten matches, the team has scored 17, while conceding an average of 1.9 goals per match. The average total goals during these matches is 1.7.


What will the results of the last ten away matches of the team Liverpool show? The statistics of wins, losses, and draws are as follows: 5, 4, and 1. Total goals scored: 20. It seems that everything is quite clear here, so we have significantly simplified the task of choosing a prediction for this match.

Prediction for the Match West Ham United - Liverpool

And now, onto the most interesting part—the choice of a bet for the match! We have carefully analyzed all the factors and tried to steer clear of pitfalls. Head-to-head encounters, team form, and a sea of statistical information have helped us find a profitable and enticing option for betting. We can't wait to share the fruits of our work, and we are ready to introduce you to it: Total over offsides (3.5) with coefficient 1.72.

Popular Predictions

Choice of the majority
Handicap 1 (1.5) 1.68
15 predictions
Corners Total 2 Over (6.5) 1.66
11 predictions
Corners Over (10.5) 1.92
10 predictions
Corners Total 1 Over (3.5) 1.54
9 predictions
Total Over (3.5) 1.93
8 predictions
Handicap 2 (-1) 1.82
7 predictions
no contests

Predictions are absent.

No predictions have been made for this match.

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