Mexico Liga MX, Women, Clausura
Leon (W)
1 : 4
Ended 10 May 2024, 01:00
Pachuca (W)

Prediction for Leon (W) - Pachuca (W) 10 May 2024

Leon (W) - Pachuca (W) are ready to give us a real show. The teams will take the field on 10 May 2024 at 04:00, and we, in turn, will analyze all the pre-match scenarios and try to predict the outcome of the match. From words to action — let's move on to statistics and interesting facts!

Head-to-Head Leon (W) - Pachuca (W)

What does the history of head-to-head matchups reveal? The statistics include 10 matches in which the team Leon (W) proved stronger in 1, while Pachuca (W) defeated the opponent 8. Another 1 matches ended in a draw. The goal difference is 31-15. Who will be stronger this time, or will the match end in a draw?

Statistical Preview of Leon (W) and Pachuca (W)

Leon (W)

After playing ten matches, the home team Leon (W) has 4 victories. There were 3 draws, and 3 losses. Let's also take a look at the statistics of goals scored and conceded. The average total goals scored are 17, while the home team concedes an average of 1.2.

Pachuca (W)

To assess the performance of the away team, a sample of ten matches was taken. Currently, the away team has 9 wins, 1 draws, and 0 losses in the last ten matches. Over the past ten matches, Pachuca (W) can boast 32 scored goals, while conceding an average of 0.9. The overall average total for the last ten matches is 2.8.

Prediction for the Match Leon (W) - Pachuca (W)

What is the most important factor when choosing a bet for a match? Of course, it's statistics—there's no denying the power of numbers! As you may have noticed, we have thoroughly analyzed all the statistical nuances and are ready to draw the right conclusions. The game will be intense, and most likely, the score will be close—both sides are motivated and ready to fight for points. We don't know who will emerge as the winner from this battle, but we are ready to present a statistically advantageous option for betting: Total over (2.5) with coefficient 2.41.

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