South America Copa Libertadores
0 : 1
Ended 10 May 2024, 00:00
Silva M. 74'

Prediction for Colo-Colo - Fluminense 10 May 2024

Prediction for the match between Colo-Colo and Fluminense. The opponents will face each other as part of the Copa Libertadores tournament, with the opening whistle set for 10 May 2024 at 03:00. We've made our match prediction based on the statistical performances of the teams. Below, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the pre-match scenarios and make your choice.

Head-to-Head Colo-Colo - Fluminense

What does the history of face-to-face encounters tell us? The opponents have faced each other 1 times (official matches). Colo-Colo won 0, while Fluminense recorded 1 victories. Draws between the teams were 0. The last time the opponents met was on 10 April 2024, and the game ended with a score of 2:1. As we can see, the history of personal meetings provides us with a lot of useful information.

Statistical Prediction for Colo-Colo vs Fluminense


How well is Colo-Colo performing lately? The numbers will tell us. In the last 10 games, the home team secured 4, suffered defeat in 3, and also played 3 draws. This clearly speaks to the team's chances of success in the upcoming match. Especially considering that Colo-Colo currently averages 1.6 goals scored and concedes an average of 1.1.


Over the last ten matches, the away team has the following results: 3 wins and 2, along with 5. The team's average individual total in this period was 12. Meanwhile, the team conceded an average of 1.2. How will Fluminense perform and how many goals will they score in the upcoming match?

Prediction for the Match Colo-Colo - Fluminense

We expect a bright and beautiful game from this confrontation. Having revealed all the strengths and weaknesses of the opponents, studying the statistics and head-to-head meetings, we have made it easier for ourselves to choose a bet. There is a certain level of risk in betting on any outcome, but in our view, we are close to the most optimal one. Our choice: Both will score (Yes) with coefficient 1.94.

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