Ukraine Persha Liga
Victoria Mykolaivka
1 : 1
Ended 10 May 2024, 09:00
Epitsentr Dunaivtsi

Prediction for Victoria Mykolaivka - Epitsentr Dunaivtsi 10 May 2024

Head-to-Head Victoria Mykolaivka - Epitsentr Dunaivtsi

The previous encounter between the teams took place on 07 April 2024 and ended with a score of 3:1. In total, the opponents have faced each other 1 times. Victoria Mykolaivka secured victories in 0 matches, while Epitsentr Dunaivtsi has victories in 1. It is quite possible that the teams will not be able to determine the stronger side, as was the case in 0.

Statistical Prediction for Victoria Mykolaivka vs Epitsentr Dunaivtsi

Victoria Mykolaivka

Let's delve into the results of the last ten matches played by the home team to understand the current form of Victoria Mykolaivka. The statistics for wins, losses, and draws are as follows: 2, 6, and 2. Total goals scored: 5. Clearly, such performance and the outcomes of recent matches speak for themselves. Therefore, it is worth carefully considering what specific prediction to make in this context.

Epitsentr Dunaivtsi

Over the last ten matches, the away team has the following results: 5 wins and 1, along with 4. The team's average individual total in this period was 14. Meanwhile, the team conceded an average of 0.7. How will Epitsentr Dunaivtsi perform and how many goals will they score in the upcoming match?

Prediction for the Match Victoria Mykolaivka - Epitsentr Dunaivtsi

Both teams will enter the upcoming match with maximum morale and sky-high motivation. The tournament is in full swing, meaning the opponents are still striving to achieve their tournament goals. It is crucial to consider the strengths and weaknesses of the opponents, and based on this, we conclude that the optimal bet for this match will be: Total under (2.5) with coefficient 1.6.

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