South America Copa Sudamericana
1 : 1
Ended 9 May 2024, 22:00
62' Jara F.
Jose Angulo 64'

Prediction for Belgrano - Delfin 9 May 2024

Prediction for the match between Belgrano and Delfin. The opponents will face each other as part of the Copa Sudamericana tournament, with the opening whistle set for 10 May 2024 at 01:00. We've made our match prediction based on the statistical performances of the teams. Below, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the pre-match scenarios and make your choice.

Head-to-Head Belgrano - Delfin

In total, Belgrano and Delfin have faced each other 1 times. Of these, the hosts won 0, while the away team triumphed 0 times. The most recent encounter, which took place on 12 April 2024, concluded with a score of 1:1. Based on this data, some conclusions can already be drawn, but the final betting predictions will be made only after a more detailed analysis of the match.

Statistical Prediction for Belgrano vs Delfin


We have thoroughly examined the history of head-to-head clashes, and now let's take an even more meticulous look at the current form of the home team. In the last ten matches, the home team scored 14 and conceded 1.4. This led to the following results: 3, 3, and 4. It is worth noting that the team's average goal-scoring performance in this period was 0.3.


What is happening with the team Delfin? The guests are struggling immensely in the Copa Sudamericana tournament. Currently, the team is at the bottom, and its results are causing real horror for the fans: 1, 5, and 4. Can Delfin improve its dire situation in the upcoming round?

Prediction for the Match Belgrano - Delfin

It's time to choose the most attractive and reliable option for betting. We carefully studied the statistical data and analyzed the current form of the teams. Admittedly, it was not easy to make a choice because both sides are motivated and capable of surprises, but we did it! So, we are ready to reveal our final option that will help you gain profit: Individual total 2 over (0.5) with coefficient 1.77.

Popular Predictions

Choice of the majority
Yellow Cards: Total 2 Under (2.5) 1.86
1 prediction
Corners Total 2 Over (4.5) 2.77
1 prediction
no contests

Predictions are absent.

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