World U17 AFC Asian Cup, Women
Thailand U17 (W)
0 : 3
Ended 10 May 2024, 08:00
China U17 (W)
Song, Y 59'
Zhang, K 90'
Chen, R 90'

Prediction for Thailand U17 (W) - China U17 (W) 10 May 2024

Another match of the U17 AFC Asian Cup, Women tournament is knocking on our windows and doors! Thailand U17 (W) will face China U17 (W), and the start of the match is scheduled for 10 May 2024 at 11:00. Don't know which side to favor in this pair? We have compiled a forecast based on statistical data and other interesting factors that will give you a clear understanding of the match and help you make a profit.

Head-to-Head Thailand U17 (W) - China U17 (W)

Thailand U17 (W) and China U17 (W) will face each other for the first time in history. One of the main factors in the analysis is head-to-head encounters, but in this case, we relied solely on the performances of the teams this season. Thailand U17 (W), with the support of their fans at home, will aim to outplay their opponent.

Statistical Prediction of Thailand U17 (W) and China U17 (W)

Thailand U17 (W)

Let's carefully analyze the current form of the home team. Ready? Over the last ten matches, the team has accumulated 0 wins and 1 losses, as well as 0. During this period, Thailand U17 (W) scored 0 and conceded an average of 4. Speaking of the average attacking performance, it has reached 0.

China U17 (W)

Some teams are fighting for top positions, others are trying to avoid relegation. However, there's a third category—mid-table contenders, and that's exactly where China U17 (W) belongs. In the current season, the away team has accumulated 1 wins, 0 losses, and 0 draws. Let's see if China U17 (W) can move closer to the leaders or, conversely, slip closer to the bottom in the upcoming match.

Prediction for the Match Thailand U17 (W) - China U17 (W)

Our final choice will be based on the data we have listed above. Of course, both teams want to win this encounter, but current form may hinder someone, and someone may struggle to convert their goal-scoring opportunities. These factors cannot be ignored in the prediction. It's good that we have already thoroughly analyzed everything and are ready to reveal the result: Total over (2.5).

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