Mexico Liga MX, Women, Clausura
Guadalajara (W)
0 : 2
Ended 10 May 2024, 03:06
America (W)

Prediction for Guadalajara (W) - America (W) 10 May 2024

The moment has come! Guadalajara (W) and America (W) will face each other in the Liga MX, Women, Clausura tournament. The match kicks off on 10 May 2024 at 06:06 and promises to be highly engaging and intriguing. Below, we will acquaint you with the statistics and other important aspects that will help you make a choice for the upcoming match.

Head-to-Head Guadalajara (W) - America (W)

This is not the first match where Guadalajara (W) and America (W) determine the stronger team. The teams have met before. It's worth noting that the last head-to-head encounter ended with a score of 2:1. Should we expect a similar result this time? It's too early to draw conclusions. Let's delve into a more detailed discussion of each club separately.

Statistical Preview of Guadalajara (W) and America (W)

Guadalajara (W)

After playing ten matches, the home team Guadalajara (W) has 5 victories. There were 3 draws, and 2 losses. Let's also take a look at the statistics of goals scored and conceded. The average total goals scored are 16, while the home team concedes an average of 0.8.

America (W)

The performance statistics of the away team in the last ten matches are as follows: 6, 3, and 1. On average, the team scores 25 per match and concedes 1.4 per match. The average total for goals scored away is 3.2.

Prediction for the Match Guadalajara (W) - America (W)

Finding the optimal bet for a match is always quite challenging. We carefully examined key factors that could influence the final score of the match. The encounter is expected to be intense, interesting, and captivating. Although the final score may be somewhat unpredictable, our choice leans towards: Total over (2.5) with coefficient 2.41.

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