Ukraine Ukraine Amateur League
Shakhtar Donetsk U19
1 : 2
Ended 10 May 2024, 08:00
Dynamo Kiev U19

Prediction for Shakhtar Donetsk U19 - Dynamo Kiev U19 10 May 2024

Another match of the Ukraine Amateur League tournament is knocking on our windows and doors! Shakhtar Donetsk U19 will face Dynamo Kiev U19, and the start of the match is scheduled for 10 May 2024 at 11:00. Don't know which side to favor in this pair? We have compiled a forecast based on statistical data and other interesting factors that will give you a clear understanding of the match and help you make a profit.

Head-to-Head Shakhtar Donetsk U19 - Dynamo Kiev U19

What does the history of face-to-face encounters tell us? The opponents have faced each other 19 times (official matches). Shakhtar Donetsk U19 won 4, while Dynamo Kiev U19 recorded 10 victories. Draws between the teams were 5. The last time the opponents met was on 02 November 2023, and the game ended with a score of 2:0. As we can see, the history of personal meetings provides us with a lot of useful information.

Statistical Prediction of Shakhtar Donetsk U19 and Dynamo Kiev U19

Shakhtar Donetsk U19

Let's carefully analyze the current form of the home team. Ready? Over the last ten matches, the team has accumulated 7 wins and 2 losses, as well as 1. During this period, Shakhtar Donetsk U19 scored 22 and conceded an average of 1.5. Speaking of the average attacking performance, it has reached 2.2.

Dynamo Kiev U19

After 27 in the Ukraine Amateur League tournament, the team Dynamo Kiev U19 holds 2. The club has accumulated 64 points to date. The current position is due in part to achieving 20, with 4 draws and 3 losses. The team scores an average of 3, with a mean total conceded of 0.7.

Prediction for the Match Shakhtar Donetsk U19 - Dynamo Kiev U19

Our final choice will be based on the data we have listed above. Of course, both teams want to win this encounter, but current form may hinder someone, and someone may struggle to convert their goal-scoring opportunities. These factors cannot be ignored in the prediction. It's good that we have already thoroughly analyzed everything and are ready to reveal the result: Total under (3.5) with coefficient 1.61.

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