England Premier League
Wolverhampton Wanderers
2 : 1
Ended 27 Apr 2024, 14:00
Luton Town
39' Hee-chan H.
50' Tote Gomes
Morris C. 80'

Prediction for Wolverhampton Wanderers - Luton Town 27 April 2024

Prediction for the match between Wolverhampton Wanderers and Luton Town. The opponents will face each other as part of the Premier League tournament, with the opening whistle set for 27 April 2024 at 17:00. We've made our match prediction based on the statistical performances of the teams. Below, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the pre-match scenarios and make your choice.

Head-to-Head Wolverhampton Wanderers - Luton Town

The last face-to-face match took place on 23 September 2023 and ended with a score of 1:1. In total, the history includes 2 matches: Wolverhampton Wanderers won 0, and Luton Town secured 1. 1 – this is the number of games that ended in a draw. It's worth noting the goal difference as well — 46-75. In whose favor will the upcoming meeting end?

Statistical Prediction for Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Luton Town

Wolverhampton Wanderers

Based on 34, Wolverhampton Wanderers currently holds only 12, which doesn't seem to be the worst result but could have been better. On their home turf in the current tournament, the home team has scored an average of 1.5, allowing opponents to score 1.6 into their net. It seems that with such performance, breaking into the top positions will be challenging, but the title of a "solid mid-tier" is well-deserved for Wolverhampton Wanderers.

Luton Town

What will the results of the last ten away matches of the team Luton Town show? The statistics of wins, losses, and draws are as follows: 1, 7, and 2. Total goals scored: 14. It seems that everything is quite clear here, so we have significantly simplified the task of choosing a prediction for this match.

Prediction for the Match Wolverhampton Wanderers - Luton Town

The hosts are capable of surprising, just like the guests. This is what makes football beautiful, as sometimes surprises happen, and some results are simply shocking. In order to minimize the risk, we conducted an in-depth analysis of this meeting, allowing us to make a final and confident choice: Total under fouls (24.5) with coefficient 1.6.

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Total 1 Over (1.5) 1.73
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No predictions have been made for this match.

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