Sweden Damallsvenskan
Vittsjo (W)
3 : 1
Ended 9 May 2024, 13:00
29' Tunturi J.
46' Kayla Joan, Z
52' Kajsa, L
Vilma, K 25'

Prediction for Vittsjo (W) - Linkopings 9 May 2024

What are you doing on 09 May 2024 at 16:00? At this time, a match will kick off, where Vittsjo (W) and Linkopings will determine who is stronger. Even if you miss the game, you definitely need to place a bet on it. And that's exactly what we'll help you with. Let's take a detailed look at each of the opponents, recall the history of their head-to-head clashes, and analyze their current form. Dive into this match with us in pursuit of the best profit!

Head-to-Head Vittsjo (W) - Linkopings

Vittsjo (W) and Linkopings are well acquainted with each other, as this is not the first face-to-face meeting of the opponents. In total, the opponents have played 26 matches, in which the home team secured victory 6, and the away team – 16. 4 – the number of drawn outcomes in face-to-face meetings. Moreover, the last encounter concluded with a score of 0:0. We believe that this already indicates who has a better chance of success.

Statistical Prediction for Vittsjo (W) vs Linkopings

Vittsjo (W)

We have thoroughly examined the history of head-to-head clashes, and now let's take an even more meticulous look at the current form of the home team. In the last ten matches, the home team scored 11 and conceded 1.4. This led to the following results: 5, 4, and 1. It is worth noting that the team's average goal-scoring performance in this period was 0.8.


Ten matches is a decent stretch, and during this period, the team Linkopings has accumulated 2 victories. The draw outcome occurred 2 times, and there were 2 losses. Looking at the league table, we can see that the away team managed to score 34 in the last ten matches, while conceding an average of 1.8.

Prediction for the Match Vittsjo (W) - Linkopings

We have managed to analyze an extensive amount of data, allowing us to make a final prediction. Through this analysis, you can familiarize yourself with the strengths and weaknesses of each club. The sole goal of the opponents is to earn three points. However, the final score can be the most unpredictable. Betting on this match would be a sensible choice: Total under (3.5) with coefficient 1.65.

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