Turkey 2nd Lig
1 : 0
Ended 9 May 2024, 12:30

Prediction for Igdir - Iskenderunspor 9 May 2024

Ready to claim your profit? We present to you the forecast for the match of the 2nd Lig tournament, where Igdir will host Iskenderunspor. The encounter will begin on 09 May 2024 at 15:30 Moscow time. We will acquaint you with the statistics, thoroughly analyze all the nuances, and choose the most appealing and attractive option for betting.

Head-to-Head Igdir - Iskenderunspor

The previous encounter between the teams took place on 03 April 2024 and ended with a score of 1:1. In total, the opponents have faced each other 5 times. Igdir secured victories in 1 matches, while Iskenderunspor has victories in 2. It is quite possible that the teams will not be able to determine the stronger side, as was the case in 2.

Statistical Prediction for Igdir vs Iskenderunspor


How well is Igdir performing lately? The numbers will tell us. In the last 10 games, the home team secured 5, suffered defeat in 1, and also played 4 draws. This clearly speaks to the team's chances of success in the upcoming match. Especially considering that Igdir currently averages 2.8 goals scored and concedes an average of 1.


The performance statistics of the away team in the last ten matches are as follows: 4, 3, and 3. On average, the team scores 14 per match and concedes 1.2 per match. The average total for goals scored away is 1.8.

Prediction for the Match Igdir - Iskenderunspor

Finding the optimal bet for a match is always quite challenging. We carefully examined key factors that could influence the final score of the match. The encounter is expected to be intense, interesting, and captivating. Although the final score may be somewhat unpredictable, our choice leans towards: Total over (2.5) with coefficient 1.58.

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