Botswana Premier League
Sua Flamingoes
5 : 0
Ended 9 May 2024, 13:00
Gaborone United

Prediction for Sua Flamingoes - Gaborone United 9 May 2024

In our prediction, you'll find all the essential information for the match between Sua Flamingoes and Gaborone United. These teams will face each other as part of the Premier League tournament, and the game itself will take place on 09 May 2024 at 16:00. We've taken into account all the crucial details that could influence the final outcome of the encounter. Can our choice align with the match's end result?

Head-to-Head Sua Flamingoes - Gaborone United

The teams have already faced each other 4 times, with the most recent encounter taking place on 01 November 2023, ending with a score of 1:0. Now, let's delve into the detailed statistics of their head-to-head meetings. Sua Flamingoes has 0 victories, while Gaborone United has secured 2 wins. Draws in their encounters have been 2. The goal difference is 23-14. Next, let's take a closer look at the more detailed statistics for each team.

Statistical Preview of Sua Flamingoes and Gaborone United

Sua Flamingoes

After playing ten matches, the home team Sua Flamingoes has 4 victories. There were 4 draws, and 2 losses. Let's also take a look at the statistics of goals scored and conceded. The average total goals scored are 8, while the home team concedes an average of 0.5.

Gaborone United

Team Gaborone United finds it challenging to face the main contenders for the championship, but the club can rightly be called one that gains momentum as the tournament progresses. The away team is at the top, having accumulated 47 points in 23 matches. The results are as follows: wins – 14, draws – 5, and losses – 4. 3 is not given to anyone easily, and it is clear that Gaborone United deserves praise for their performance.

Prediction for the Match Sua Flamingoes - Gaborone United

Having conducted a detailed analysis of this match, we have identified the strengths and weaknesses of the teams. One of the key factors is the teams' form, specifically their performances in the last ten matches. In any case, both opponents will enter this match with the goal of securing victory, and we can confidently state that a good option for a bet will be: Total over (0.5).

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