Mamonty Yugry
22 December
Sibirskie Snaipery

Prediction for Mamonty Yugry - Sibirskie Snaipery 22 December 2024

On 22 December 2024 at 11:00, the team Mamonty Yugry will face Sibirskie Snaipery. Don't know which way the match will end? Then we are pleased to inform you: we have carefully analyzed all the factors, studied the statistics, and compiled the most accurate, in our opinion, prediction. Below, we will tell you all the details.

Head-to-Head Matches Mamonty Yugry vs Sibirskie Snaipery

The opponents have previously played against each other, with a total of 46 matches. The overall record for Mamonty Yugry is 28, while Sibirskie Snaipery has 14. The last match between these opponents took place on 22 January 2024, concluding with a score of 2:4. To make predictions for the upcoming match, we recommend considering the performance of both teams in this season.

Statistical Preview of Mamonty Yugry and Sibirskie Snaipery

Mamonty Yugry

Let's take a closer look at the history of the last ten matches of the home team, Mamonty Yugry. Over this period, Mamonty Yugry has 9 wins and 1 losses. Goals scored – 46. On average, the performance of Mamonty Yugry is as follows: goals scored – 1.5, and conceded – about 8 per game.

Sibirskie Snaipery

7 and 3 - this is the performance of the away team in the last ten matches. Fans can judge for themselves whether these are good results; however, the number of goals scored during this period is 52. On average, the visitors score 5.2 goals per match, while conceding an average of 2.7 goals per game.

Prediction for the match between Mamonty Yugry and Sibirskie Snaipery

Regardless of the outcome of this meeting, we are likely to witness intense and beautiful hockey. Certainly not without minor penalties that may lead to ejections, making the confrontation quite high-scoring. Expect dramatic moments and a principled standoff, a battle until the last seconds. Taking into account all the factors we have mentioned, the most accurate decision would be to place a bet on: Total under (6.5) with coefficient 1.65

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