Prediction for Billy Harris - Ergi Kirkin 6 February 2025
Head-to-Head Encounters: Billy Harris - Ergi Kirkin
Billy Harris and Ergi Kirkin have already had the pleasure of playing against each other. In total, they have played: 0. On average, their head-to-head meetings take place over 0 sets and 0 games. Billy Harris wins games on average: 0, and the opposing side wins: 0.Statistical Preview of Billy Harris and Ergi Kirkin
Billy Harris
The current form demonstrated by Billy Harris is presented below. We based this on the last ten played matches:
- Win/Loss: 3 / 7
- Win/Loss in the first set: 3 / 7
- Average total games: 21.9
- 2 with a score of 2-0 (66.7%);
- 1 was a victory with a final score of 2-1 (33.3%).
- 5 with a score of 0-2 occurred in the last 10 games (71.4%);
- and 1-2 in 2 (28.6%) respectively.
Ergi Kirkin
Speaking of the results of the other side, Ergi Kirkin has the following indicators for the last ten matches:
- Win/Loss: 6 / 4
- Win/Loss in the first set: 6 / 4
- Average total games: 23.7
- 3 with a score of 2-0 (50%);
- 3 was a victory with a final score of 2-1 (50%).
- 4 with a score of 0-2 occurred in the last 10 games (100%);
- and 1-2 in 0 (0%).
Prediction for the match between Billy Harris and Ergi Kirkin
This encounter promises to be challenging for both opponents. Often, winning the first set gives a psychological advantage in the match, although it is not a decisive factor for the final victory. Nevertheless, let's examine the statistics of wins and losses in the initial set for both sides. Over the last 365 days, Billy Harris has won the first set 40 times and lost it 35 times. In comparison, Ergi Kirkin has demonstrated strength by winning 37 times, losing 37 times. While these figures may guide the choice of the winner based on the first set's outcome, it's essential to note that not everything depends solely on these statistics. Considering the facts outlined in our preview, we recommend betting on: Total over (19.5) with coefficient 1.58.
This forecast is generated using AI Scores24. The product is in beta testing and may contain minor errors.

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