Belgium Beker van Belgie
Union Saint-Gilloise
1 : 0
Ended 9 May 2024, 13:30
Royal Antwerp
45' Machida K.

Prediction for Union Saint-Gilloise - Royal Antwerp 9 May 2024

What are you doing on 09 May 2024 at 16:30? At this time, a match will kick off, where Union Saint-Gilloise and Royal Antwerp will determine who is stronger. Even if you miss the game, you definitely need to place a bet on it. And that's exactly what we'll help you with. Let's take a detailed look at each of the opponents, recall the history of their head-to-head clashes, and analyze their current form. Dive into this match with us in pursuit of the best profit!

Head-to-Head Union Saint-Gilloise - Royal Antwerp

The teams have already faced each other 18 times, with the most recent encounter taking place on 28 April 2024, ending with a score of 4:1. Now, let's delve into the detailed statistics of their head-to-head meetings. Union Saint-Gilloise has 5 victories, while Royal Antwerp has secured 7 wins. Draws in their encounters have been 6. The goal difference is 9-6. Next, let's take a closer look at the more detailed statistics for each team.

Statistical Preview of Union Saint-Gilloise and Royal Antwerp

Union Saint-Gilloise

Over the last ten matches, the home team has recorded 3 wins, 4 losses, and 3 draws. The team's performance has resulted in scoring 14, with an average total of 1.1 goals conceded. Additionally, the average total of goals scored during home matches is 1.6.

Royal Antwerp

What will the results of the last ten away matches of the team Royal Antwerp show? The statistics of wins, losses, and draws are as follows: 3, 6, and 1. Total goals scored: 8. It seems that everything is quite clear here, so we have significantly simplified the task of choosing a prediction for this match.

Prediction for the Match Union Saint-Gilloise - Royal Antwerp

What is the most important factor when choosing a bet for a match? Of course, it's statistics—there's no denying the power of numbers! As you may have noticed, we have thoroughly analyzed all the statistical nuances and are ready to draw the right conclusions. The game will be intense, and most likely, the score will be close—both sides are motivated and ready to fight for points. We don't know who will emerge as the winner from this battle, but we are ready to present a statistically advantageous option for betting: Individual total 1 in the second half is over (0.5) with coefficient 1.55.

Popular Predictions

Choice of the majority
Match Result: Win 1 1.70
1 prediction
Total 1 Over (1.5) 1.97
1 prediction
Handicap 1 (-1) 2.33
1 prediction
no contests

Predictions are absent.

No predictions have been made for this match.

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