Sweden Ettan, Sodra
3 : 0
Ended 9 May 2024, 11:00

Prediction for Tvaakers - Norrby 9 May 2024

Tvaakers - Norrby are ready to give us a real show. The teams will take the field on 09 May 2024 at 14:00, and we, in turn, will analyze all the pre-match scenarios and try to predict the outcome of the match. From words to action — let's move on to statistics and interesting facts!

Head-to-Head Tvaakers - Norrby

In the upcoming round, a match between Tvaakers and Norrby is scheduled. The last face-to-face meeting took place on 09 September 2023 and ended with a score of 1:2. If we consider the overall statistics, the number of encounters between the teams is 4. Tvaakers can boast success in 2, while Norrby has victories in 2. Additionally, the number of draws is 0.

Statistical Preview of Tvaakers and Norrby


Looking at the last ten matches, the home team, Tvaakers, has 3 victories, suffered 5 defeats, and recorded 2 draws. After these ten matches, the team has scored 9, while conceding an average of 1.1 goals per match. The average total goals during these matches is 0.8.


Norrby is positioned in the upper part of the league table. The club holds 2 place and has 11 after 6. The away team looks solid in defense, conceding an average of 0.5, and attacks confidently, scoring an average of 1.5. The battle for the title continues, and by the end of the tournament, the situation may change dramatically. Who knows, perhaps Norrby will be able to intervene in the fight for the championship.

Prediction for the Match Tvaakers - Norrby

Having conducted a detailed analysis of this match, we have identified the strengths and weaknesses of the teams. One of the key factors is the teams' form, specifically their performances in the last ten matches. In any case, both opponents will enter this match with the goal of securing victory, and we can confidently state that a good option for a bet will be: Total under (2.5) with coefficient 2.39.

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