Ivory Coast Ligue 1 Ivory-Сoast
Lys Sassandra
1 : 0
Ended 9 May 2024, 16:00
Asi D'abengourou

Prediction for Lys Sassandra - Asi D'abengourou 9 May 2024

Prediction and analysis for the match between Lys Sassandra and Asi D'abengourou. This encounter is scheduled for 09 May 2024, with the kickoff at 19:00. Looking at the teams' recent performances and the statistics from their head-to-head meetings, we invite you to explore the detailed match forecast.

Head-to-Head Lys Sassandra - Asi D'abengourou

In total, Lys Sassandra and Asi D'abengourou have faced each other 7 times. Of these, the hosts won 1, while the away team triumphed 4 times. The most recent encounter, which took place on 18 November 2023, concluded with a score of 1:1. Based on this data, some conclusions can already be drawn, but the final betting predictions will be made only after a more detailed analysis of the match.

Statistical Prediction of Lys Sassandra and Asi D'abengourou

Lys Sassandra

Over the last ten matches, the home team has recorded 2 wins and 6 losses. Additionally, during this period, 2 draws were noted. What about goals? The home team scored 11, while conceding an average of 1.5. The average attacking efficiency has reached 1.5.

Asi D'abengourou

Fewer and fewer fans attend matches involving Asi D'abengourou, as in the current season of the Ligue 1 Ivory-Сoast tournament, the away team holds only 15 place. There's not much to boast about in terms of victories, as the club has only 5 wins, with a draw recorded 7 and 13 losses. The average total of goals scored by the away team is 0.9, while opponents of the away team score an average of 1.4.

Prediction for the Match Lys Sassandra - Asi D'abengourou

We have gathered and analyzed a large amount of data: detailed statistics, the history of head-to-head meetings, and the current form of the teams. We are confident that we can expect a highly intense and saturated match, where neither side will surrender without a fight. Nevertheless, despite the unpredictability of the match, we have prepared a prediction that has high chances of success and are ready to share it with you: Total over (1.5).

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