World Blue Stars / FIFA Youth Cup
Zurich U19
1 : 0
Ended 9 May 2024, 09:50
Strasbourg U19

Prediction for Zurich U19 - Strasbourg U19 9 May 2024

Prediction and analysis for the match between Zurich U19 and Strasbourg U19. This encounter is scheduled for 09 May 2024, with the kickoff at 12:50. Looking at the teams' recent performances and the statistics from their head-to-head meetings, we invite you to explore the detailed match forecast.

Head-to-Head Zurich U19 - Strasbourg U19

Making a prediction for this match wasn't as straightforward since Zurich U19 and Strasbourg U19 will face each other for the first time. The forecast is based on the current form of the teams this season, taking into account the home-field advantage, which is also significant.

Statistical Preview of Zurich U19 and Strasbourg U19

Zurich U19

Zurich U19 is in a challenging position. The team has only accumulated 0 points and holds 3 place in the league table. In short, the home team's results speak for themselves: 0, 0, and 0. On their home turf, the underdog scores an average of 0, which is relatively low. Currently, Zurich U19 is struggling to compete in the championship, but there is hope that they will find the strength to improve.

Strasbourg U19

What will the results of the last ten away matches of the team Strasbourg U19 show? The statistics of wins, losses, and draws are as follows: 7, 1, and 2. Total goals scored: 17. It seems that everything is quite clear here, so we have significantly simplified the task of choosing a prediction for this match.

Prediction for the Match Zurich U19 - Strasbourg U19

The hosts are capable of surprising, just like the guests. This is what makes football beautiful, as sometimes surprises happen, and some results are simply shocking. In order to minimize the risk, we conducted an in-depth analysis of this meeting, allowing us to make a final and confident choice: Total over (1.5).

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