Algeria U21 Ligue 1
Paradou U21
0 : 0
Ended 9 May 2024, 16:00
ASO Chlef U21

Prediction for Paradou U21 - ASO Chlef U21 9 May 2024

In our prediction, you'll find all the essential information for the match between Paradou U21 and ASO Chlef U21. These teams will face each other as part of the U21 Ligue 1 tournament, and the game itself will take place on 09 May 2024 at 19:00. We've taken into account all the crucial details that could influence the final outcome of the encounter. Can our choice align with the match's end result?

Head-to-Head Paradou U21 - ASO Chlef U21

When analyzing the match, the history of direct encounters cannot be overlooked. The match between Paradou U21 and ASO Chlef U21 is no exception. We suggest taking a closer look at this statistics. The last face-off between the teams took place on 14 December 2023, concluding with a score of 1:1. They have met each other 1 times, with Paradou U21 winning 0 times and ASO Chlef U21 prevailing in 0 matches. A draw occurred 1.

Statistical Preview of Paradou U21 and ASO Chlef U21

Paradou U21

Let's take a look at the sample of the last ten matches, where Paradou U21 has 2 victories, a draw occurred in 5. There are also defeats, currently 3. Let's also examine the statistics for the average number of goals scored and conceded. In one match, the team averages 9 goals, and the average total goals conceded are 1.6. The overall average total is 1.

ASO Chlef U21

We have thoroughly analyzed the performance of the home team, and now let's scrutinize the current state of the away team with no less attention. In the recent matches of this tournament, ASO Chlef U21 demonstrates the following results: 8, 3, and 13. In the last ten away matches, the team averaged 1.3.

Prediction for the Match Paradou U21 - ASO Chlef U21

And now, onto the most interesting part—the choice of a bet for the match! We have carefully analyzed all the factors and tried to steer clear of pitfalls. Head-to-head encounters, team form, and a sea of statistical information have helped us find a profitable and enticing option for betting. We can't wait to share the fruits of our work, and we are ready to introduce you to it: Total over (1.5).

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