Russia Football National League
1 : 0
Ended 8 May 2024, 16:30
79' Razhab, M

Prediction for Dynamo-Makhachkala - Khimki 8 May 2024

Prediction and analysis for the match between Dynamo-Makhachkala and Khimki. This encounter is scheduled for 08 May 2024, with the kickoff at 19:30. Looking at the teams' recent performances and the statistics from their head-to-head meetings, we invite you to explore the detailed match forecast.

Head-to-Head Dynamo-Makhachkala - Khimki

This is not the first match where Dynamo-Makhachkala and Khimki determine the stronger team. The teams have met before. It's worth noting that the last head-to-head encounter ended with a score of 1:0. Should we expect a similar result this time? It's too early to draw conclusions. Let's delve into a more detailed discussion of each club separately.

Statistical Preview of Dynamo-Makhachkala and Khimki


After playing ten matches, the home team Dynamo-Makhachkala has 5 victories. There were 3 draws, and 2 losses. Let's also take a look at the statistics of goals scored and conceded. The average total goals scored are 12, while the home team concedes an average of 0.4.


To assess the performance of the away team, a sample of ten matches was taken. Currently, the away team has 6 wins, 0 draws, and 4 losses in the last ten matches. Over the past ten matches, Khimki can boast 17 scored goals, while conceding an average of 1.6. The overall average total for the last ten matches is 1.7.

Prediction for the Match Dynamo-Makhachkala - Khimki

And now, onto the most interesting part—the choice of a bet for the match! We have carefully analyzed all the factors and tried to steer clear of pitfalls. Head-to-head encounters, team form, and a sea of statistical information have helped us find a profitable and enticing option for betting. We can't wait to share the fruits of our work, and we are ready to introduce you to it: Handicap 2 (0.5) with coefficient 1.49.

Popular Predictions

Choice of the majority
Match Result: Win 1 2.65
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BTTS (Yes) 2.07
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Corners Total 2 Over (4.5) 1.88
1 prediction
Corners Total 2 Under (3.5) 2.75
1 prediction
no contests

Predictions are absent.

No predictions have been made for this match.

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