Russia Football National League
1 : 2
Ended 8 May 2024, 14:00
Rodina Moscow
26' Mashukov I.
Artem Sokol 45'
Gordyushenko A. 53'

Prediction for Alania - Rodina Moscow 8 May 2024

In our prediction, you'll find all the essential information for the match between Alania and Rodina Moscow. These teams will face each other as part of the Football National League tournament, and the game itself will take place on 08 May 2024 at 17:00. We've taken into account all the crucial details that could influence the final outcome of the encounter. Can our choice align with the match's end result?

Head-to-Head Alania - Rodina Moscow

In the upcoming round, a match between Alania and Rodina Moscow is scheduled. The last face-to-face meeting took place on 20 August 2023 and ended with a score of 1:2. If we consider the overall statistics, the number of encounters between the teams is 3. Alania can boast success in 2, while Rodina Moscow has victories in 1. Additionally, the number of draws is 0.

Statistical Preview of Alania and Rodina Moscow


After playing ten matches, the home team Alania has 2 victories. There were 4 draws, and 4 losses. Let's also take a look at the statistics of goals scored and conceded. The average total goals scored are 14, while the home team concedes an average of 1.8.

Rodina Moscow

Ten matches is a decent stretch, and during this period, the team Rodina Moscow has accumulated 4 victories. The draw outcome occurred 10 times, and there were 3 losses. Looking at the league table, we can see that the away team managed to score 14 in the last ten matches, while conceding an average of 0.8.

Prediction for the Match Alania - Rodina Moscow

We have gathered and analyzed a large amount of data: detailed statistics, the history of head-to-head meetings, and the current form of the teams. We are confident that we can expect a highly intense and saturated match, where neither side will surrender without a fight. Nevertheless, despite the unpredictability of the match, we have prepared a prediction that has high chances of success and are ready to share it with you: Double chance X2 with coefficient 1.55.

Popular Predictions

Choice of the majority
Total Under (2.5) 2.12
1 prediction
Double Chance: 1X 1.78
1 prediction
Total Over (2.5) 1.70
1 prediction
Corners: Win 1 2.83
1 prediction
Yellow Cards: Total 1 Over (2.5) 2.90
1 prediction
no contests

Predictions are absent.

No predictions have been made for this match.

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