Brazil U20 Campeonato Brasileiro
Fortaleza U20
0 : 2
Ended 9 May 2024, 18:15
Santos U20

Prediction for Fortaleza U20 - Santos U20 9 May 2024

Prediction for the match between Fortaleza U20 and Santos U20. The opponents will face each other as part of the U20 Campeonato Brasileiro tournament, with the opening whistle set for 09 May 2024 at 21:15. We've made our match prediction based on the statistical performances of the teams. Below, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the pre-match scenarios and make your choice.

Head-to-Head Fortaleza U20 - Santos U20

Fortaleza U20 and Santos U20 are well acquainted with each other, as this is not the first face-to-face meeting of the opponents. In total, the opponents have played 3 matches, in which the home team secured victory 0, and the away team – 2. 1 – the number of drawn outcomes in face-to-face meetings. Moreover, the last encounter concluded with a score of 0:1. We believe that this already indicates who has a better chance of success.

Statistical Prediction of Fortaleza U20 and Santos U20

Fortaleza U20

Over the last ten matches, the home team has recorded 6 wins and 3 losses. Additionally, during this period, 1 draws were noted. What about goals? The home team scored 16, while conceding an average of 0.8. The average attacking efficiency has reached 1.8.

Santos U20

Santos U20 is having a confident and, most importantly, stable season. In any case, that's what the team's results tell us: 3, 1, and 1. At the moment, the visitors are positioned in the upper part of the table and demonstrate readiness to compete for the top spots. By the way, away from home, Santos U20 scores an average of 2 goals, which could contribute to a positive outcome in the upcoming match.

Prediction for the Match Fortaleza U20 - Santos U20

Both teams will enter the upcoming match with maximum morale and sky-high motivation. The tournament is in full swing, meaning the opponents are still striving to achieve their tournament goals. It is crucial to consider the strengths and weaknesses of the opponents, and based on this, we conclude that the optimal bet for this match will be: Total under (2.5) with coefficient 2.3.

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