Brazil LBF, Women
Unisociesc / Blumenau (W)
63 : 48
Ended 9 May 2024, 22:30
Sao Jose (W)
Unisociesc / Blumenau (W)
Sao Jose (W)

Prediction for Unisociesc / Blumenau (W) - Sao Jose (W) 9 May 2024

On 10 May 2024 at 01:30, a basketball match will take place where Unisociesc / Blumenau (W) will host the team Sao Jose (W) on their court. Both clubs have typical lineups with agile forwards and towering centers, but only one of them will succeed in achieving the ultimate victory. Who will it be? Let's delve into it together and make a prediction.

Head-to-Head Encounters Unisociesc / Blumenau (W) - Sao Jose (W)

The history of face-to-face rivalry is always important when making a prediction. Therefore, let's carefully review the history of personal meetings: the team Unisociesc / Blumenau (W) won 1, while the team Sao Jose (W) has accumulated 0. The last match took place on 11 April 2024 and ended with a score of 68:78.

Statistical Prediction for Unisociesc / Blumenau (W) and Sao Jose (W)

Unisociesc / Blumenau (W)

The team Unisociesc / Blumenau (W) has secured 6 victories, conceding only 4 to their opponents. The home basketball players are ready to delight the local audience, but fans must support their players on the court. In the last ten games, the teamwork has yielded an average of 67.6 points for the hosts, while an average of 67.3 points have entered their basket. Will the upcoming match results be close to these figures?

Sao Jose (W)

A ten-match stretch is quite significant, and during this period, the visitors managed to secure 2 victories. A defeat was recorded 8. After these ten matches, the away team was able to accumulate 581. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that, on average, they scored 58.1 points per match while conceding an average of 74.4.

Prediction for the match between Unisociesc / Blumenau (W) and Sao Jose (W)

Making a prediction for this match was not that simple, although we tried to take into account all the factors and the performance statistics of the opponents in the current championship. Nevertheless, after analyzing the match, we managed to identify the most probable outcome, which we consider quite reliable. The risk of failure is always present, but we can confidently say that our prediction is supported by logical reasoning. Our prediction for this match: Total over (132.5) with coefficient 1.85

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Total 2 Over (64.5) 2.54
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