New York Knicks
130 : 121
Ended 9 May 2024, 00:00
Indiana Pacers
New York Knicks
Indiana Pacers

Prediction for New York Knicks - Indiana Pacers 9 May 2024

Prediction for the match between New York Knicks and Indiana Pacers. The teams will face off as part of the NBA championship, and the tip-off will take place on 09 May 2024 at 03:00. For this match, we have compiled a prediction based on the teams' performance statistics. We invite you to review the pre-match scenarios and make your choice for this encounter.

Head-to-Head Encounters New York Knicks - Indiana Pacers

The opponents will cross paths on the basketball court not for the first time. The history of personal rivalry counts 51. The picture is as follows: the team New York Knicks won 20, while the Indiana Pacers collective achieved 31. The last match took place on 11 February 2024 and ended with a score of 111:125.

Statistical Prediction for New York Knicks and Indiana Pacers

New York Knicks

Over the last ten matches, the team New York Knicks has recorded 8 and 2. Also, during this period, they have accumulated 1127. Looking at the average indicators, they manage to score 112.7 per match, while their opponents have scored an average of 110.1.

Indiana Pacers

The performance statistics of the away team in the last ten matches look as follows: 7 wins and 3 losses, managing to score 1212. The average figures indicate that, on average, the away team scores 121.2 points, while conceding 114.3.

Prediction for the match between New York Knicks and Indiana Pacers

After a detailed analysis of the match, the most crucial moment has come - to determine the forecast for the upcoming match. We have analyzed the current form of the opponents, carefully studied the history of head-to-head meetings, and based on these criteria, we tried to choose the most reliable option among various possibilities. Our final prediction: Total over (220.5) with coefficient 1.94

Popular Predictions

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Handicap 1 (-3.5) 1.79
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Handicap 2 (6.5) 1.65
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Handicap 2 (5.5) 1.76
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Total 2 Over (105.5) 1.57
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Total Over (220.5) 2.02
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Total Under (220.5) 1.72
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no contests

Predictions are absent.

No predictions have been made for this match.

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